Sunday, September 2, 2012

Very Exciting News!

I just received this notice that my encaustic assemblage has been chosen for a national exhibition in New Mexico.

Congratulations to the following 43 artists who have made it into
our second juried show - National Juried Encaustic Exhibition,
September 22nd through October 21st
Patricia Aaron                                 Josie Rodriguez
Guy Baldovi                                     Judy Rosenzwieg
Margaret Betrand                            Melissa Rubin
Tina Blackburn                                Francesca Saveri
Lynn Bland                                      Michelle Schaefer
Brigette Borders                             John Schaeffer
Paula Busch                                    Pat Spainhour
Michael Carter                                 Deborah Sullivan
Debra Claffey                                  Rodney Thompson
Charlotte Cooper                            Michele Thrane
Helen Dannelly                                Deborah Traer
Susan DelGalvis                             Harriette Tsosie
Erna de Vries                                  NJ Weaver
Susan Eve                                       Catherine Weber
Linda Fillhardt                                 Holly Wilson
Pat Gerkin                                       Deborah Winiarski      
Lorraine Glessner                          Dianna Woolley
Kathryn Kaye
Diane Aldrich Kleiss
Karen Krieger
Susan Lasch Krevitt
Jaqueline Mallegni
Barbara Maricle
Otty Merrill
Gretchen Morrissey

This is the artwork that was selected.

Palm Reader
9 x 12 x 1.5
Photograph by Jill Greene

photograph by Jill Greene

I painted a shadow box with 7 layers of milk paint. This is a paint that is completely natural, biodegradable, with no VOCS,HAPs,or EPA-exempt solvents added. The Original Milk Paint company has found a safe way to reproduce the old paint and yes it will spoil just like whole milk but its also as safe as drinking whole milk.  After each layer is allowed to dry, I sanded  the surface with fine sand paper The final coat is buffed and then covered in beeswax and encaustic paint. I have collaged onionskin paper on the background that I stained with walnut tea (made from soaking walnut shells and making a natural dye with the tea) This was then coated with clear encaustic medium. I use various found objects to complete the assemblage. Encaustic paint was used to paint the cheese cloth, the brass wishbone, and many of the objects used.